Ability to add extensions to phone numbers on Almabase and also ensure it syncs to Raiser's Edge
Shikha Shiv Kumar (Almabase) (Almabase)
Raiser's Edge provides multiple phone number formats to include phone ext. along with the option to set the phone number format to "none". However, since Almabase doesn't currently support Phone Number Extensions, this information cannot be synced to Raiser's Edge.
Sahil Mallick
Hiya Shikha Shiv Kumar (Almabase) (Almabase), thanks for this post! I have a few more questions for you:
- How frequently do you need to sync phone number extensions between Almabase and Raiser's Edge?
- Are there specific types of phone numbers (e.g., mobile, work) that require extensions more than others?
- Would you need any specific notifications or alerts if a phone number extension fails to sync?
Shikha Shiv Kumar (Almabase) (Almabase)
Kimberley Bailey Gina C I have added this as a feature request. Please feel free to go ahead and up-vote it and add any additional remarks as well for our teams to review.