Ability to link one event in Raiser's Edge NXT to multiple registration pages.
Kanhai Shah
Rob Odoardi Any specific reason why sub event would not work here?
Rob Odoardi
Kanhai Shah So basically when I create an event it is mapped to Raiser's Edge as said event based on the event registration page. However, if I wanted that one event to also be present on multiple pages (i.e. we are having a community event for anyone regardless of affiliation but we are also running our reunion weekend at the same time). Ideally, we'd be able to link up that event that is appearing on multiple registration pages to one single event in Raiser's Edge. This would be really great if so.
Kanhai Shah
Rob Odoardi: The way integration is set up today. AB main event can only map to 1 event on RE. AB sub events can go to different events on RE but multiple AB events can not go to single event on RE.
Rob Odoardi
Kanhai Shahi I hope we are able to adjust in the future. I just need to manage two different events in RE for the same event because it’s two different pages.
Melinda Sue Burke
So it would be like just syncing the sub-event for the public event into RENXT? Am I understanding that correct?