Ability to delete automated data pulls
Mary Jo Howell
In the sync settings, it would be nice to be able to delete automated data pulls once they are no longer needed. For example, we send emails for event communication purposes outside of the actual event but the data will change year to year. Would be nice to delete old data lists that are no longer needed for easier organization.
Mary Jo Howell
It would be nice to be able to delete as needed. For example, if it is an event, we have a new list yearly. I have 11 lists right now which we were going to set up email communications but then decided to send through NXT so now those lists are no longer needed however I cannot delete. Our lists are ever evolving so deleting old lists to keep better organized would be nice. Notification of this could be useful but not necessary.
Sahil Mallick
Great to hear your perspective, Mary Jo Howell! I have a few more questions for you:
- How frequently do you need to delete automated data pulls, and is there a specific time frame after which they become unnecessary?
- Are there any specific criteria or conditions under which you decide that a data pull is no longer needed?
- Would you like to receive any notifications or confirmations before a data pull is permanently deleted?