
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


We are thrilled to announce a new feature addition to Almabase Giving. Admins now have the capability to upload offline gifts directly to a specific giving campaign. This ensures that these gifts are accurately reflected in the campaign’s leaderboard, campaign hub, and tribute wall. By using custom form fields in the specific giving page’s Excel sheet template, you can add offline gifts to your campaign’s reporting and tracking, providing a more comprehensive view of all contributions.
Coming up with engagement initiatives can be daunting for all. Striking the right balance between giving your community what it needs as you juggle multiple tasks is no easy feat. We've added a nifty in-product nudge as a hovering icon to help you easily book a program design call with our team so you can help us help you!
This new feature streamlines the process of getting tailored guidance on program design, making it more convenient for you to optimize your strategies and make the most out of Almabase's Digital Engagement offering.
When navigating through your programs on Almabase, especially on program reports, the program catalog page, and other relevant sections, you'll notice a friendly hovering icon encouraging you to schedule a call. This nudge is designed to be non-intrusive and will appear on relevant pages to ensure you can access expert advice without having to look for it.


Admin Experience

Communication Centre

You can now send bulk emails to multiple groups at once

We're excited to introduce a powerful new feature in the Almabase Communication Center: the ability to send bulk emails to multiple email groups simultaneously. This enhancement is designed to streamline your email campaigns and improve your communication efficiency.
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Key Benefits :
  • Multi-Group Bulk Emails
    : You can now add multiple email groups while sending bulk emails directly from the Almabase Communication Center. This feature eliminates the need to send separate emails to each group, saving you valuable time and effort.
  • Accurate Recipient Count
    : When you select multiple email groups, profiles that are common across these groups are counted only once as recipients. The total count of recipients is accurately reflected, ensuring you have a clear understanding of your email reach.
This new feature not only simplifies the process of sending bulk emails but also ensures that your audience receives your messages without unnecessary duplication.
We are excited to introduce "Invite Only Event" to Almabase Events.
The new "Invite Only Event" feature offers enhanced control over guest management and exclusivity for your events. Only invited guests can register, with registrations closed to everyone else, ensuring a highly curated guest list. Invitees receive a personalized invite link, which expires after use to maintain security and exclusivity. These events are not shareable, discoverable through search engines, or listed publicly, preserving their privacy. This feature is ideal for exclusive meetings, such as those with Trustees or Board Members, where privacy and selectivity are paramount.
Starting today, these features are available to all subscribers of Events Advanced.
You'll also come across ‘Open’ and ‘Moderated’ event types, alongside the ‘Invite Only’ Event mentioned earlier.
For more information view supporting documentation here.
We're thrilled to introduce two new capabilities coming to Almabase Events:
  1. Create and manage a list of invitees with
    Invitee dashboard
  2. Automate sending invitations with
    Invite automation
Now, you can effortlessly add and manage guests and stay on top of communicating with those who haven’t registered yet. Each invitee will receive a personalized invite link that pre-fills their information during registration. Even if they use a new email address, they'll still be matched with their corresponding record. Managing your event invitations has never been simpler.
In addition to managing your invitees, you can now schedule and automate your invitations using pre-defined templates that are available out of the box, or ones that you create for your Organisation. Schedule multiple invitation emails to go out automatically to invitees that have not accepted or declined your invitation yet.
Starting today, these features are available to all subscribers of Events Advanced.
For more information view supporting documentation here.


Digital Programs



Now easily approve or reject entries to directories

This new feature simplifies and streamlines the approval process for entries made to the directory, making it more easier for administrators to manage.
You will now notice a new "Require Approval" Toggle when you create forms that plug into directories.
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You'll notice that any submissions pending approval are highlighted in the submissions tab. Now, you can approve them without needing to edit the form, using the approval status card at the bottomScreenshot 2024-05-16 at 6
You will notice this change starting today for any directories that require approvals from your team.


Digital Programs


Spaces enhancement: New "Heart" Like Button

We are excited to announce an important update that enhances how your users interact with the content they love. Effective immediately, the "upvote" button will be replaced with a heart symbol, a change that reflects the feedback and preferences of our vibrant community.
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The new heart button, designed to be more visually appealing and universally understood, allows users to express their appreciation for posts and comments more distinctly. This update not only aligns with common social media practices but also reinforces our commitment to providing a user-friendly and emotionally resonant experience.
Admins now have the flexibility to accept new registrations even after the event's closure date, while it's unpublished, and not currently open for registrations. This enables admins to add VIPs, board members, trustees, and registrations made offline without the risk of regular users registering in the meantime. It ensures that admins can include important registrations without needing to open the event to everyone. Admins can accomplish this by using the '+' icon in the 'Guest Manager’.
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We're excited to introduce a powerful new feature that grants admins full control over user registration edits in Events. With a simple toggle switch, admins can now restrict users from modifying their registrations at any time. By toggling the 'Allow edits' option off, admins can ensure that users cannot make changes to their registration details. This capability empowers admins to meticulously plan event arrangements and logistics with precision and efficiency, without the risk of unexpected changes impacting their planning process. However, admins will still be able to edit anyone's registration through the 'Guest Manager,' even if the user can't edit their own registration.
We have made a few changes to the event registration process to streamline registrations associated with a single email address. This enhancement has facilitated the syncing of guests with canceled registration information to Raiser's Edge.
In the guest dashboard, admins will be able to see guests with canceled registration along with successful registrations and will now have the ability to sync them to Raiser’s Edge.
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We've also enhanced the user interface of the Guest dashboard screen and implemented recommended actions to simplify the process for admins, focusing solely on addressing guests and payments that require syncing. These improvements make it easier for admins to understand and take necessary actions.
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