add description to event listing page
Carmen Muffler
It would be very helpful to add information to the event listing page. Now the event listing page shows only the upcoming and past events but it is not possible to add a short text or description on top of the page which would be very helpful to inform our community. thank you for looking into this!
Carmen Muffler I noticed you have the Digital Engagement Platform included in your subscription. So there is a way you can upgrade to a custom event listing page by creating event directories and then adding them to a custom page. is an example of how Washburn University Alumni Association created their own Event listing page. We can provide additional information on how to get this setup if you would like.
Looping in Siddarth Reddy as well.
Carmen Muffler
Hi Ginu - thank you so much for that! I didn't know this and will definitely look into it. Additional information to set it up would be much appreciated. Thank you! Kind regards, Carmen
Sahil Mallick
Hiya Carmen Muffler, thanks for this post! I have a few more questions for you:
- What specific information or type of description would you like to include on the event listing page?
- How frequently do you anticipate updating the description on the event listing page?
- Who will be responsible for providing and maintaining the content for the description on the event listing page?
Carmen Muffler
Hi Sahil Mallick
Thanks for reaching out!
- We would like to add general information about our events like: who can take part in the events, at which time of the year we are planning to update the event calendar, what the general costs for participation are, how we are choosing to the types of events for the year and what might change in the future.
- I think we would update it every few months.
- Our site admins (mainly me 😋) will provide and maintain the content. It would be best if we could update/change it ourselves.