Ability to deactivate a Fund even if it has gifts associated to it.
in progress
Emily Johnston
Kanhai Shah Are there any updates you can provide on this feature?
Kanhai Shah
Emily Johnston This is something we are working on and expected to go live with this change by end of this month.
Damon R. Rosenthal
I would add to this request the ability with RE Integration to automatically update an AB Fund when the matching Fund in RE is inactivated/CLOSED. This feature would be controlled via settings in the Data Sync area with options of OFF, WARN and ON. WARN would create a warning message that the fund is inactivated within RE. WARN would be a nice middle ground option, but ON/OFF I can see being needed by AB users.
Kanhai Shah
Merged in a post:
Inactivate or Hide Funds
Jennifer Boettger
Currently we will never be able use the "Search" option in a giving form because we have funds that we do not want our donors to be able to select. Therefore we select the "allow to create a fund" and then our gifts person has to go to the trouble of mapping the "written in" fund to the real fund. Seems like a lot of trouble to go to just because we need to be selective. Currently AB does not allow you to remove a fund that has a gift to it. That is fine, but then at least let us "Inactivate" or "Hide" a fund globally or by campaign.
Kanhai Shah
in progress
Nancy Sullivan
WE NEED THIS IMMEDIATELY! We have people giving to funds that are no longer active but we cannot delete them from ALMABASE.