Consistent Main Navigation Menu Across All Pages
Jennifer Lynne Dooley
We would like to request the development of a new feature that would display the main navigation menu on all pages, including interior pages. This would improve efficiency by allowing users to easily navigate to other sections of the website without having to use the back arrow multiple times to return to the home screen.
- Consistent main navigation menu across all pages will improve user experience, it will be more easy and faster for users to access the different sections of the website, without having to go back to the home screen first.
- This will increase the time user spend on the site, as users can move around more easily and find what they're looking for more quickly.
- This feature will also make it easier for users to access the different sections of the website from anywhere, which will lead to a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.
- We believe this feature would greatly improve the usability and overall user experience of our website. Please let us know if this feature is feasible to implement, and if any additional information is needed to move forward.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Main Navigation Menu On All Pages
BCHSAlumni Administrator
It looks like this has been requested before. However, being new to the platform, I would like to underscore the need for consistency for our users. I sometimes get lost when I go to Spaces to get back Home. The consistent Menu across all pages would be a great help!
Kanhai Shah
Kanhai Shah
We are excited to announce a significant improvement to our user interface - a newly redesigned navigation system. This update is a product of our constant endeavor to streamline your user experience and enhance your interaction with our platform.
Our new navigation system provides a consistent experience across all pages, thereby making it easier for you to find what you're looking for quickly and efficiently.
You can switch on the new navigation from the old navigation panel (see attached a screenshot).
Vaibhav Awachat
Ginu Kanhai Shah I hope you're having a great day. I wanted to bring up the possibility of incorporating this into the upcoming HE sprint. Additionally, it would be convenient if we could always have the Navigation Menu open, specifically on the homepage. I would appreciate hearing your thoughts and considerations on this matter.
Thank you.
Jennifer Lynne Dooley
Vaibhav Awachat: Hello! So, being a small staff every minute of our day is precious and I know it's a small thing and doesn't take much time but it would be nice to have the full navigation menu available on all pages of the site so that I don't have to hit the back button several times and then find the page in the menu that I need to go to.
BCHSAlumni Administrator
Jennifer Lynne Dooley: I agree 100%. I was just about to submit this same request on the forum. I've been finding it a challenge to 'find my way back home' so to speak, especially when viewing spaces. This would be very helpful right away.
Vaibhav Awachat
under review