Deleted or Inactive Records
Canny AI
Kanhai Shah
We did not sync inactive status of email from RE to Almabase as almabase does not store inactive flag for email. As Almabase is user facing interface, users will just delete the email if it is stale or inactive.
We are looking into a solution where we will just delete the email from Almabase if it is marked inactive on RE. Will keep you posted on this once we have next steps.
Jennifer Boettger
Kanhai Shah: Assuming then, if they do provide us with a new email or even perhaps the old one is reactivated, it will push back over to Almabase again?
Kanhai Shah
Jennifer Boettger: yes it will be considered as new data as it would have been removed from Almabase.
Sweta Kumari
Posting this on behalf of Jennifer Boettger