Pulling Engagement Snapshot data from Raisers Edge
John Todd Boone
Most of the data shown on the profile's engagement snapshot is also tracked in Raisers Edge. It would be incredible if that snapshot included their interactions with Almabase AND Raisers Edge. The biggest help would be giving history. We can only share giving details online with Black Baud Net Community, which we will be shutting down as we pick up Almabase. But the giving history snapshot it Almabase only includes giving through Almabase, not their entire history recorded in Raisers Edge.
Kanhai Shah
Kanhai Shah
in progress
Kanhai Shah
John Todd Boone Thanks a lot for the feature request. We are discussing this internally as well.
We are working on this and we will have it available by mid August. On addition to adding a way to pull giving engagement from Raiser's Edge, we will also open the history to be available to end users that is right now only available to admins.