Change Name field on give form
Sahil Mallick
Hiya Abby Bjerke, thanks for this post! I have a few more questions for you:
- How often do donors leave the "Full Name" field incomplete?
- Would separating the name fields improve the accuracy of donor records?
- Are there any other fields in the form that donors find confusing or difficult to complete?
Abby Bjerke
Sahil Mallick
- In the last month it's happened 2-3 times, where donors have entered "Uncle Bill" or "Flynn Family".
- We think it would help.
- There are 2 other areas that I think I have already submitted requests: 1. Remove or Redirect "Go Back" button (and be able to change name on the button) that appears after a gift is made. We received feedback that a donor was uncertain where that link would go. They thought it may take them back to the gift form to make edits. 2. On the first screen of the give form where you can type in a field to search for different funds. It would be easier to have a drop down of those so a donor doesn't have to remember what the name of the fund is that they want to give to.