Currently, the Email Groups section shows all email groups created by me, and those automatically created by AB. They are not filterable, cannot be put into folders, and I cannot interact with more than 1 at a time. Often, an email group I create is just for 1 email. Leaving all of these groups active clutters the "Email Groups" section and can lead to miscommunications for team members when scheduling emails. There are many ways this can be addressed, but here are the ideas that come to mind. A better way to handle email groups that aren't needed anymore. It appears that a group cannot be deleted if an email was sent to that group. It can be marked as "Inactive", but I'm unclear as to what happens to the group after that. Perhaps add a filter tab to toggle between active and inactive groups. Have filters on the page "Email Groups" to filter out the groups by "Active", "Inactive", "User Created", and "System Generated". This will help us know where these email groups come from. Having all of the Ab generated groups in the same list with the groups I create is messy and can cause confusion for team members. Ideally, we could create folders on this page to help keep track of the different groups on the backend. Allow multiple Email Groups to be selected at 1 time and have certain actions that can be performed from the main page. Currently, if I want to mark an email group as inactive, I need to: Move my cursor over "More Actions", Select "Edit" Wait for the page to load Uncheck "Active" Wait for the page to load Click save Wait for the page to load Then exit. If I have 5 lists I want to mark as inactive, I need to repeat those steps 4 more times. Ideally, I could select all 5 lists at once and use controls on the same page to mark them all as inactive at the same time. The current controls make it very difficult to keep an organized "Email Groups" page and it would be incredibly helpful to have some additional functionality that would make it possible to keep on top of it.